
What to Look for in a General Contractor

A general contractor can help you to do everything from build a fence to renovate your home. Regardless of whether you need a contractor for help with a larger or smaller home repair or improvement project, you may be looking for a professional who will do quality work for a great price. If you are looking for a general contractor to work with, you can narrow down your options by focusing on a few key points.

License and Insurance

In most areas, general contractors are required to be licensed, and they may display their license number on their website. You can check with your state licensing board to ensure that they are in good standing. In addition, inquire about the liability insurance that they carry, and ensure that the policy is active. This will minimize the likelihood that you have to contend with shoddy work or that you may face a liability issue yourself if a worker is injured on your property.

Great Reviews

There are numerous online review website that you can use to research contractors. In addition to looking at how many stars or points they have, read the individual reviews. If you notice a trend in the reviews, such as several reviews that attest to slow or sloppy work, you may assume that this may be the same experience you would have as well. However, avoid making a decision based on just one or two negative reviews.

Good Customer Service

You should also pay attention to how the company treats you as a customer. When you are setting up your appointment for a consultation and waiting to receive a written estimate from them, do they return your calls promptly? Are they courteous and honest? If you do not receive good service up-front, you may expect the same low level of service to continue on throughout the renovation or improvement process.

There may be dozens of contractors in your area vying for your business, but you understandably want to work with a top professional who charges a great rate. By interviewing the contractors and doing your own research, you can make a more informed decision about which contractor to choose.

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